Willy Naranjo

HALC Board Member

Ricardo Lugo, Board Member

Willy Naranjo

Miami, FL
Former Occupation: Financial Planner

Not too many people can claim that they recruited themselves into Primerica, but that’s just what Willy did. “I was working as a financial planner and making pretty good money at the time, but I was tied to that job. With my wife, Lorena, and our new baby still living in Colombia, I wanted to find a business that would let me spend at least half my time with them. Of course, my employer wasn’t about to let me take off two weeks of every month to go to Colombia.”

Willy started to research his options. “That’s when I found Primerica on the Internet,” remembers Willy. “I looked into other business possibilities but none of them had the potential I saw in Primerica.”

So, Willy signed an IBA and got to work. And what he did then was incredible. “Until Lorena and our daughters could join me in the States, I built my Primerica business while splitting my time between here and Colombia. It took an incredible amount of organization but, by making the most of my time, and motivating our new team members, we were able to become one of the company’s top life licensers.”

Today Willy and Lorena continue to build their business together. “The freedom this business has given us and the rewards, both financially and personally, just wouldn’t be available anywhere else.”

On Building

“Every team member should treat the Opportunity seriously. Expect new team members to start studying and take their life exam immediately and then get appointed and licensed for all of our other solutions. People are motivated by getting paid, so you show them how to start getting checks as soon as possible.* Follow the system and you can’t go wrong.”

Who is Primerica

The Opportunity

Hispanic American Leadership Council